Home Beaches Beach Safety Tips for Visitors: Enjoying the Sun and Sea in Benidorm

Beach Safety Tips for Visitors: Enjoying the Sun and Sea in Benidorm

by Steven Hardy

Introduction: As you embark on your exciting holiday in Benidorm, it’s essential to prioritise beach safety to ensure a fun and memorable experience. With its stunning coastline and inviting waters, Benidorm offers a paradise for beach lovers. In this guide, we’ll provide you with valuable beach safety tips, ensuring that you can relax, soak up the sun, and enjoy the sea with peace of mind.

Swim in Designated Areas

When taking a dip in the sparkling waters of Benidorm, it’s important to swim in designated areas supervised by lifeguards. These areas are marked by flags and provide the safest conditions for swimming. Be aware of any warnings or restrictions issued by lifeguards regarding water conditions or currents.

Respect the Sea Conditions

The sea conditions can vary throughout the day. Before entering the water, take a moment to observe the waves, currents, and any warning signs. If you’re unsure about the conditions or feel uncomfortable, it’s best to wait for more favorable circumstances.

Stay Hydrated

Spending time under the sun can be enjoyable but dehydrating. Remember to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Carry a reusable water bottle with you and refill it at the beach facilities or nearby cafes. Avoid excessive alcohol consumption as it can contribute to dehydration.

Apply Sunscreen

Protect your skin from the strong Mediterranean sun by applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF. Apply it generously before heading to the beach and reapply every couple of hours, especially after swimming. Don’t forget to cover all exposed areas, including your face, neck, shoulders, and feet.

Seek Shade

While the sun is enticing, it’s crucial to take regular breaks from direct sunlight. Seek shade under beach umbrellas, palm trees, or beachside cafes. This will not only provide relief from the heat but also reduce the risk of sunburn and heatstroke.

Be Mindful of Beach Hazards

Benidorm’s beaches are generally safe, but it’s still important to be mindful of potential hazards. Keep an eye out for submerged rocks, sharp shells, or jellyfish that may occasionally drift near the shoreline. If stung by a jellyfish, notify a lifeguard for assistance.

Protect Your Valuables

When enjoying the beach, it’s wise to keep your valuables safe and secure. Avoid leaving them unattended or exposed. Consider using a waterproof bag or investing in a small, portable lockbox to store your valuables while you swim or take a walk along the beach.

Stay Within Your Comfort Zone

While it’s tempting to venture far out into the sea, it’s essential to stay within your comfort zone and swim at a depth that suits your swimming abilities. Avoid taking unnecessary risks or swimming alone. If you’re not a confident swimmer, consider wearing a life jacket or using other flotation devices.

Stay Vigilant with Children

If you’re visiting the beach with children, it’s crucial to keep a close watch on them at all times. Children can easily get excited and wander off, so designate a meeting point and establish clear boundaries. Additionally, ensure they wear appropriate floatation devices and teach them about basic water safety.

Be Respectful of the Environment

Lastly, be respectful of the beach environment and help keep Benidorm’s shores clean and pristine. Dispose of your trash in designated bins and avoid leaving any litter behind. Respect any environmental guidelines

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