Home Activities Watersports Guide: Thrilling Adventures on Benidorm’s Beaches

Watersports Guide: Thrilling Adventures on Benidorm’s Beaches

by Steven Hardy

Benidorm’s stunning beaches are not only perfect for sunbathing and relaxation but also offer a wide array of thrilling watersports activities. Whether you’re seeking an adrenaline rush or looking to try something new, the waters of Benidorm provide an ideal playground for aquatic adventures. In this guide, we’ll explore the exhilarating watersports opportunities available, ensuring you have an unforgettable and action-packed experience during your visit.

Jet Skiing

Embark on a high-speed adventure by renting a jet ski. Feel the rush as you zip across the crystal-clear waters, carving through the waves. Jet skiing is a thrilling way to explore the coastline, and various rental services are available along Benidorm’s beaches.


Take to the skies and experience breathtaking views of Benidorm from above with parasailing. Strap into a harness, get lifted into the air by a parachute, and glide above the sparkling waters. It’s an exhilarating and awe-inspiring activity that will leave you with unforgettable memories.


Ready to defy gravity? Try flyboarding, a thrilling watersport that allows you to soar above the sea. With the help of a water-propelled board, you can hover in the air, perform tricks, and feel like a superhero. Professional instructors are available to guide you through this incredible experience.

Scuba Diving

Dive into the depths of the Mediterranean Sea and discover a whole new world of marine life. Benidorm offers excellent scuba diving opportunities, with vibrant coral reefs, underwater caves, and a variety of marine species to explore. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced diver, there are diving centres that cater to all levels.


For a more relaxed underwater experience, try snorkeling along Benidorm’s coastline. Put on your snorkel mask and fins, and explore the vibrant underwater world just beneath the surface. Marvel at colourful fish, rock formations, and maybe even encounter some friendly marine creatures.


Rent a kayak and embark on a scenic adventure along the coast of Benidorm. Paddle at your own pace, exploring hidden coves, navigating through rock formations, and enjoying the serenity of the sea. Kayaking is a great way to connect with nature and discover Benidorm’s coastline from a different perspective.

Stand-Up Paddleboarding (SUP)

Engage your core and test your balance with stand-up paddleboarding (SUP). Glide across the calm waters while standing on a large surfboard and using a paddle to manoeuvre. SUP offers a unique way to explore the coastline, soak up the sun, and enjoy a full-body workout.

Banana Boat Ride

Hop on a banana boat and hold on tight as you’re towed behind a speedboat. This group activity guarantees laughter and excitement as you try to stay on the inflatable banana-shaped raft while bouncing over the waves. It’s a fun-filled adventure suitable for all ages.


Embrace the wind and ride the waves with windsurfing. Benidorm’s coastal conditions make it an ideal location for windsurfing enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced rider, there are windsurfing schools and rental services available to cater to all skill levels.

Water Skiing

Experience the thrill of water skiing as you glide across the water’s surface, pulled by a speedboat. Challenge yourself to stay upright and enjoy the rush of adrenaline as you carve through the waves. Professional instructors can provide lessons for beginners or assist experienced water skiers.

Get ready for adrenaline-pumping watersports adventures on the beautiful beaches of Benidorm. Whether you’re jet skiing, parasailing, scuba diving, or simply enjoying a kayak or paddleboard excursion, the waters of Benidorm offer endless opportunities for thrilling and unforgettable experiences. Embrace the excitement, soak up the sun, and make the most of your holiday by indulging in the exhilarating watersports activities that await you.

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